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Postback when value changes - via selection from calendar and using keyboard to input value


How can I postback when I use the keyboard to change the value in the WebDatePicker? I know how to accomplish this by selecting from the calendar.

Thank you,


  • 24497

    Hi Trent,

    You may enable autopostback on enter key. Similar way can be triggered a postback on lost focus (value change). To trigger postback on other keys or events, application may process corresponding client side events (like KeyUp), check event/keyCode, check current value in editor (if it is valid and complete), etc, and call __doPostBack(sender.get_uniqueID(), '') or use similar statements.

    Example for autopostback:

    <ig:WebDatePicker ID="WebDatePicker1" runat="server">
    <AutoPostBackFlags EnterKeyDown="On" />

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