I'd like to set input mask of MaskEditorProvider for short time input. Currently I'm setting InputMask as ##:##, but this doesn't validate short time, ie from 00:00 to 23:59. That allows all numbers keyboard entries, ie from 00:00 to 99:99, and that isn't correct.
How do I can resolve this issue? Please, Can you help me? I'll hope your reply...
Geovanny Domínguez.
Please, Does anyone here could help me?
Thank you so much!
Geovanny Domínguez
Hello Geovanny,
I would suggest you to use igDateTimeEditor for this purpose. It should look like this:
Hope this helps.
Hello Nikolay
Thank you so much for your reply. I am having an error.
Server Error in '/WSddlist_gridview' Application.Editor with ID: WebDataGrid3_DateTimeEditorProvider1 cannot edit column with Key:valueOrig. The editor does not support the column type.
My example code is:
<ig:WebDataGrid ID="WebDataGrid3" runat="server" Height="350px" Width="400px"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource5">
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Time_mRID" Key="Time_mRID">
<Header Text="Time_mRID" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="valueOrig" Key="valueOrig"
<Header Text="valueOrig" />
<ig:DateTimeEditorProvider ID="WebDataGrid3_DateTimeEditorProvider1">
<EditorControl runat="server" ClientIDMode="Predictable"
DisplayModeFormat="HH:mm" EditModeFormat="HH:mm">
<ig:EditingColumnSetting ColumnKey="valueOrig"
EditorID="WebDataGrid3_DateTimeEditorProvider1" />
<EditModeActions MouseClick="Single" />
My data are the following:
Time_mRID valueOrig1 00:001 00:101 00:101 00:301 00:201 10:10
Please. Help me!.
The DateTimeEditorProvider should be used with DateTime columns, and I see that you have a column of type TimeSpan. Try changing this to DataType="System.DateTime" and see if the issue still occurs.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
I understand the error, but I don't need to use a DateTime Column. All what I need to store is a hour data type (hh:mm), in this format. For this reason my type column is System.TimeSpan.
I wanted to use the MaskEditorProvider, because in the Database the type of column is String. Now, How I can solve this issue? Some suggestion?
Please, help me!
There is no such built-in functionality in the mask editor provider. A possible workaround would be to handle the KeyDown or TextChanged client-side events of the grid and perform your custom validation in the handler.
Hi Geovanny,
I'm just checking if you managed to resolve your issue.