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Ultra chart : On mousemove the customized Legend Tooltip is not worked on scrollbar is enabled (enablescrollbar = true)


I have tried to provide a tool tip in legend area on mouse move event and it was created in the fillscenegraph event.

Also, the selection of the chart type is "Line Chart" and the application platform is .Net Framework 3.5 & Infragistics version is 2009.1

Below code is used to customize the legend area,

private Primitive LastPrimitive { get; set; }
    void UltraChart1_FillSceneGraph(object sender, Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Events.FillSceneGraphEventArgs e)
        PrimitiveCollection primitivesToAdd = new PrimitiveCollection();
        foreach (Primitive p in e.SceneGraph)
            if (p.Path != null && p.Path.Contains("Legend"))
               p.Layer = e.ChartCore.GetChartLayer();
                if (p is Box)
                    this.LastPrimitive = p;
                else if (p is Text)
                    Text t = (Text)p;
                    p.Row = 0;
                    p.Column = 0;
                    p.Value = this.LastPrimitive.Value;
                    Box newBox = new Box(t.bounds);
                    newBox.PE.FillOpacity = newBox.PE.StrokeOpacity = 0;
                    newBox.Row = p.Row;
                    newBox.Column = p.Column;
                    newBox.Chart = p.Chart;
                    newBox.Layer = p.Layer;
                    newBox.Value = p.Value;
                    newBox.Caps = PCaps.HitTest | PCaps.Skin | PCaps.Tooltip;

When the mouse moves on legend area, the tool tip displays without issues and if the scrollbar is disabled.

But, the same is not displaying on while setting the property EnableScrollbar = true.

Please assist us to overcome from this issue.

Thanks in advance and hope will wait for the quick response.

Best regards,



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