I have a database with two tables - a parent table for document information, and a child table containing separate sections that make up the document. Basically, I am trying to make a user defined template for some complex forms where the data is stored in a database.
I can save the contents of the Infragistics WebHTMLEditor to a database field.
I can retrieve that field into an Infragistics WebGrid.
I can display the data 'attactively' in the grid and can get all the markup code if I set the column property to: e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns.FromKey("section_note").HTMLEncodeContent = true;
I can retrieve the contents of that grid cell and display it properly in the WebHTMLEditor.
However, I cannot find a method in the Infragistics.Documents object that allows me to print the data respecting the markup tags (especially html tables) in an IText object. I have seen that the AddRichContent method only supports real basic formating. The AddContent strips off all markup tags.
Do I really have to make my own parser to replace markup tags generated by the editor with coded method calls of the Docuemnts object?
Why do so many products not allow a print document to contain markup tags for tables?