I've got a webdatepicker, which I want to trigger the valuechanged after the user
* changes the value + leaves the field
* Uses the calendarcontrol
* Presses enter
Only the last works.
How can I trigger the valuechanged for the other possibilities
<ig:WebMonthCalendar ID="calShared" runat="server" CssClass="CalendarView" />
<ig:WebDatePicker EnableViewState="true" DropDownCalendarID="calShared" ID="wdcAvailableFrom" CssClass="dateChooser" runat="server" Width="85px" AutoPostBack-ValueChanged="true" meta:resourcekey="wdcAvailableFrom" />
( IIS7 | VS.NET 2008 | ASP.Net | VB.Net | Javascript )
PS: Are there tags, to paste code?
Hello Ruben,
By default, the ValueChanged event is fired when the value of the control is changed and it lost focus (your first condition). To trigger the ValueChanged event of the date picker from the WebMonthView, you could set AutoPostBackFlags SelectionChanged="On" and use the SelectedDateChanged event to call the ValueChanged handler of the WebDatePicker:
protected void WebMonthCalendar1_SelectedDateChanged(object sender, Infragistics.Web.UI.EditorControls.CalendarSelectedDateChangedEventArgs e){ WebDatePicker1_ValueChanged(null, null);}
Hope this helps.
Hi Ruben,
If you have any questions regarding the matter, please let me know.
Hi Nikolay,
thank you for the clarification.