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Server Side Install Steps

I am a programmer, not as familiar with IIS.  I just purchased the Infragistics tools for .Net and need some help setting up the IIS side.  I've read through the help docs but I must be missing something.

 I created an ASP site, worked fine both locally in Debug mode and remotely on the ASP site.

 I added a page and dragged in a couple Infragistics controls (the combo box was one, HTML editor another).   This added the following lines to my web.config file:


                 <add assembly="Infragistics2.WebUI.WebCombo.v8.1, Version=8.1.20081.1000, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7DD5C3163F2CD0CB"/>
                <add assembly="Infragistics2.WebUI.Shared.v8.1, Version=8.1.20081.1000, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7DD5C3163F2CD0CB"/>
                <add assembly="Infragistics2.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v8.1, Version=8.1.20081.1000, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7DD5C3163F2CD0CB"/></assemblies></compilation>


When I run the site in debug mode on my local system it works fine.  When I try to load the site remotely  I get a web.config runtime error, Server Error in '/' Application.  

In reading through some of the help docs I see that I need to get some .js files to the server.  Per the instructions I've read, I created a virtual directory called "ig_common" in my IIS site, and pointed it to the directory


(all my files are stored in C:\ASPCMS\WebSite1)

In that infragistics folder I have a directory named "20081CLR20", and inside that a folder called "scripts", and inside THAT I have a number of Infragistics scripts, ig_htmleditor.js, ig_webcombo3_1.js, etc.

 However I am still getting this web.config debug error when I open the site in IE.  Can someone provide me some instructions on the steps I need to perform to prepare my IIS installation for use of the Infragistics controls?


  • 4960

    If you add a WebHtmlEditor control to your Page, then it should add an assembly reference to "Infragistics2.WebUI.WebHtmlEditor.v8.1" to your web.config (like the other assembly references you listed.)  You might check that this exists.

    I'm going to take a (wild guess) that your Web host doesn't allow partially-trusted callers?  This means you need to deploy the APTCA assemblies to your Web host instead of the strongly-named assemblies.  The latter is a requirement for hosting a .NET assembly within the GAC, which is (I'll bet) where your Web application is getting the assemblies from on your development PC.  Most shared hosting providers will not allow customers to place their own .NET assemblies within the GAC, something that would give the code executing in those .NET assemblies full-trust.

    If this scenario sounds like it pertains to you, I'd advise reading up on the APTCA assemblies (it will answer many of your questions) in:
    ASP.NET APTCA Assemblies

    You will then want to put some assembly binding instructions in the web.config file of your to make it easier for ASP.NET to load these assemblies when the publicKeyToken in the <%@ Register ... %> directives of your Web pages differs from that on the APTCA assemblies (remember, APTCA assemblies are not signed with a strong-name therefore they don't have publicKeyTokens, and that's enough for ASP.NET to fail to load them.)  See the following help topic for details on this:
    How Do I Deploy APTCA Assemblies?

    Finally, I'd recommend the following help topic. It's not necessary to create the virtual directory (although your structure sounds correct), you can have scripts come from a subdirectory (usually something that goes over much easier with shared hosting providers) and in CLR 2.0, all the controls by default will receive their JavaScript through embedded script resources unless you explicitly instruct them to load scripts from elsewhere:
    Deploying an Application to a Hosted Server Environment

    Under the above circumstances -- instead of the GAC -- the assemblies should be uploaded to a /bin subfolder (C:\ASPCMS\WebSite1\bin) beneath your application's root folder.  Fusion (.NET's assembly loader) will take into account any bindingRedirects from your web.config and should load the non-strongly-named assemblies marked with APTCA and suitable for running in Medium Trust in that /bin folder rather than trying to load the strongly-named assemblies from the GAC defined in any <%@ Register ... %> directives on your pages.

    If my wild guess was wrong, then I don't know that pointing you to the APTCA assemblies will have helped much (sorry).  You don't usually need APTCA assemblies if you are deploying to a dedicated server where you have Full Trust and putting the assemblies in the GAC isn't a problem.  Should difficulties continue, please submit a service request to our Developer Support staff to walk you through this deployment,


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