I'm experience some behavior difference in the WebDataMenu vs. the UltraWebNavigator.
If you put a WebDataMenu on a form which includes an "a" tag on the same form with logic to include launching a popup window and partially obscure the WebDataMenu, you will be fine unless your mouse then hovers over the WebDataMenu again. This will result in the window changing focus, and the popup window will be hidden behind the original form. This is not the desired behavior and not the same as what was experienced using the UltraWebNavigator.
Environment: IG 2012.1
Browser: IE 9
bind a WebDataMenu on your form.
create an "a" tag like outlined below.
debug page.
click on link, launch popup. Note original page is partially obscured by popup;
hover over webdatamenu. Note that the popup flips to behind the original form.
<a href="BLOCKED SCRIPT Popup();">Google</a>
function Popup() { var oWindow; var sOptions = new String(); var sUrl = new String(); var sTarget = new String(); sOptions = "scrollbars=1;menubar=0;toolbar=0;status=0;titlebar=0;resizable=yes;"; sUrl = "google.com"; sTarget = "MAILTOADDRESS"; oWindow = window.open(sUrl, sTarget, sOptions, true); oWindow.resizeTo(400, 450); }
Hello All,
Thank you for your replies.
It seems that this item has not been mentioned in the release notes for the latest service release, however I have double checked and the fix is included in build 2075 for volume 12.2. WebDataMenu's activation behavior should no longer take cause the window focus to be changed when a popup is present.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter.
Yes, this is a version I am looking at. 2012.2.2075 - there is no mentioning of fix for this issue in the release notes.
I am looking at the release notes for 20122.2075 and for WebDataMenu seeing ony:
WebDataMenu Bug Fix Submenu shows white background while fading in under IE7-8WebDataMenu Bug Fix Can't navigate to Navigate URL when clicked outside of the WebDataMenu item text.
This issue is not mentioned. Is it really included?