There are two bands, parent and child, playing with row selection.When changing selection between rows in same band, everything is ok, e.CurrentSelectedRows contains proper rows, selection event is triggered once per selection change.When child row is selected, event is triggered once per band - i can live with that, checking Level property for sender (another thing to be included into manual ;)
Problem : when row from child band is selected and we click on parent row, event is triggered only for ContainerGrid on level1, and e.CurrentSelectedRows contains 0 rows. No info on selection in band0. Next selections on band0 will have PreviousSelectedRows fileld properly with band0 row.
How can I detect selection change in such a situation (click from child to parent)?
<ig1:WebHierarchicalDataGrid ID="m_gridKlasy" runat="server" Height="350px" Width="900px" AutoGenerateBands="False" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyFields="ID" DataMember="ObjectDataSourceKlasy_DefaultView" DataSourceID="KlasyDataSource" Key="ObjectDataSourceKlasy_DefaultView" OnRowSelectionChanged="m_gridKlasy_RowSelectionChanged"> <Bands> <ig1:Band AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataMember="ObjectDataSourceDaneKlas_DefaultView" Key="ObjectDataSourceDaneKlas_DefaultView" DataKeyFields="Id"> <Columns> //... </Columns> </ig1:Band> </Bands> <Columns> //... </Columns> <Behaviors> <ig1:EditingCore EnableInheritance="True"> <Behaviors> <ig1:CellEditing EnableInheritance="True"> </ig1:CellEditing> </Behaviors> </ig1:EditingCore> <ig1:RowSelectors> </ig1:RowSelectors> <ig1:Paging> </ig1:Paging> <ig1:Sorting> </ig1:Sorting> <ig1:Selection CellClickAction="Row" RowSelectType="Single" EnableHiddenSelection="True"> <AutoPostBackFlags RowSelectionChanged="True" /> </ig1:Selection> </Behaviors> <Templates> </Templates> <EmptyRowsTemplate> No data </EmptyRowsTemplate></ig1:WebHierarchicalDataGrid>
Hello Arthur,
Thank you for the update.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
its ok, sometimes my application is misbehaving but this is on me.
Thank you for the information.
You may set EnableAjax to False.
Please let me know how this works out.
If you have any questions, please let me know as well.
12.1.20121.2072 , .NET 3.5
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
Using the code provided, I am currently setting up a sample to reproduce the behavior you are seeing.
For the meantime, please let me know the version and build using.
Looking forward to your reply.