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deleting multiple rows in client side?


       I am using WebDataGrid (vol 12.1) in my project. I basically list the files present in a folder inside the grid. I also have an option to delete single / multiple file(s). When i select and delete a file, i am just hiding that row. All of this is done in client-side. I have enabled Batch Updates

<ig:EditingCore AutoCRUD="False" BatchUpdating="True"></ig:EditingCore>
<ig:Selection CellClickAction="Row" RowSelectType="Multiple"></ig:Selection>

   I am not able to delete multiple rows at a single go. For example, in the grid i have 7 rows, and i select 3 rows to be deleted and i click on "Del" button. Instead of deleting 3 rows, it is deleting only 1 single row. The code i have written in client-side for "Del" button is shown below

var grid = $find("WebDataGrid1");
var selectedRows = grid.get_behaviors().get_selection().get_selectedRows();

for (var j=0; j< selectedRows.get_length();j++)
       grid.get_rows().remove(selectedRows.getItem(j), false);

       After clicking on the "Del" button, i am able to get the count as 3. After removing the first row, the selectedRows.get_length() becomes 0. What could be the  problem? Can we delete multiple rows in the grid in client-side? If so How? I am converting my UltraWebGrid to WebDataGrid.
