"By default, all panes are not collapsible, but still display a splitter bar. When a pane can collapse, a collapse icon appears in the splitter bar. The user can use the collapse icon to collapse the pane. "
What determines whether or not a pane can be collapsed by it's WebSplitter parent? When I add a WebSplitter to the template of a SplitterPane (inside of another WebSplitter), the collapse button is visible for the outer WebSplitter, but is not visible for the nested WebSplitter.
Hi pwooten,
Thank you for report.
That was accidental mistype for default value in initializer of client side CollapsedDirection property of SplitterPane. It had default value of 1 instead of 0. So, if application did not set value SplitterPane.CollapsedDirection, than codes like below, would return 1 instead of 0.
function checkDir(id) { var splitter = $find('<%=WebSplitter1.ClientID%>'); var pane = splitter.get_panes()[0]; var dir = pane.get_collapsedDirection(); alert('dir:' + dir);}
That issue had beed fixed and update will be available in service releases.