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Using WebDataTree inside an Update Panel


I have a page that shows Notes that a customer of a company creates. As a manager, when i log in and go to the Notes section, i will be able to choose a company and after choosing the company, it will list all the notes for that company. I have an aspx page, which has a Drop down list, a WebDataTree control and a User control that will be loaded dynamically. I also have 3 Update Panel. In the 1st panel, i have the Dropdown list. In the 2nd panel, i have a treeview control and the last panel has the user control that i want to load dynamically. If i select a company, then in the WebDataTree control, it has the company name as the root node and the list of all the notes as child nodes and a User control is loaded in Panel3 that has a grid. If i click on a node in the WebDataTree and i going to load a User Control that has the details of that note like subject, Description and attachment (if any). While clicking on a node i want to update Panel3 only. In the User Control the user can edit the subject or description and save the details. Once the details is saved, i want to refresh Panel2 (which has the Tree control) only.

When I run my site, i noticed that the user control is not getting loaded properly. I get an error message "Sys.ScriptLoadFailedException: The script 'http://localhost/samples/scripts/ig_spellchecker.js' could not be loaded." I finally out the problem when i visited the Link . In this link it is mentioned that when we use EnableAjax = true property to the Tree, that control cannot be inside the Update Panel. So i put the tree control outside the Update Panel and viola.. the User Control is loaded properly and no errors occurred at all. Now i placed the tree control inside the Update Panel and then removed that property, still the errors occurs. Now my question is Can i put the Tree Control inside the Update Panel? I imported all the scripts to my project. I am using “Infragistics35.WebUI.Misc.v11.1, Version=11.1.20111.2238”. I wanted to put the tree control separately, bcos I will be using the tree control extensively in other pages and has the same scenario (when clicking on a node load a user control dynamically).
