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WHDG - Size row visibility when grid cell has backgound image defined.

Hello all,

I have a whdg where I would like to override the row height.

I have however noticed that as soon as I do this the size row becomes visible.

I have included screen grabs highlighting the issue as well as a sample application.

Please note that the last column has a style sheet class adding an image to the background. It is this part which the grid size row does not handle


My environment is as follows:



Widows 7 32 bit.

Infragistics ASP.Net Version 11.2.20112.2125

.Net 4

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

Please advise a best practise approach.


SizeRow -
  • 33839
    Verified Answer

    Hi JJB,

    We already set css and via style attribute the top and bottom padding to be 0px on the size row td.  However, you have defined it with !important in your override of the igg_ClaymationItem css class.  If you take out the important there, then the size row is not visible.  That is my suggestion.  Or import your overrides not in the head to ensure that it loads last.

    David Young 

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