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Can't delete tabs client-side

Looking at the documentation, there is no clear way that I see to delete/remove a tab.  There are addTab, addCopy, moveTab, etc... but no deleteTab or removeTab or even closeTab. 

I need to completely delete a tab. Has anyone seen a way to do this client-side?

  • 4315
    Offline posted

    Hi, Revbones.

    It's seems that the WebTab API don't have such client-side functionality. I suppose there is a reason for this so I will investigate it and will inform you.

    Meanwhile I can suggest you workaround for this. You can hide the tabs on the client, those you want to delete, and on the server to check all the hidden tabs and delete them from the tabs collection.

    var webTab = $find("<%=WebTab1.ClientID%>"),

        tab = webTab.getTabAt(0);



    I hope this will help you.


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