Can anyone let me know how to bind webdatatree from client side using the page methods and i cannot use WebHierarchicalDataSource.So,Please tell me how to bind using page methods.
Thanks in Advance.
Hello,The idea of ASP controls is to be client-server controls. If you want to set datasource on the client and bind on the client our trees I would suggest you to use our jQuery igTree. Here is a sample how to bind it on the client http://samples.infragistics.com/jquery/tree/binding-to-json
Thanks for ur Quick Reply,i have binded the webdatatree using the ajax post method, but the problem is that it take more time to bind and the browser is returning the "A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly" .There are around 6000 records to be bind to the webdatatree.
Or Do we have any solution like binding a limited records one in a time and after scrolling the tree then binding the remaining.
Can u provide me any solution.
Thanks in Advance
Hello Anil,What you are trying to achieve is not supported. We have load on demand which is by levels. You can set initialBandDepth to 1 which means that every level of the tree will be loaded when the expand button is clicked. This client side rendering that you are using is currently CTP and it uses jQuery templating. This templating is slow for high amount of data and there are discussions on the net regarding this matter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4590718/jquery-templates-performance I am attaching a sample where this client side rendering is working with 600 reccords.
Thanks for the quick reply,how can we assign the "set_isEmptyParent" in this example.
Suppose i will get the child count from the database.if child count is Greater than zero.i will set true to a boolean value. then, how to assign this Boolean to the node, so that to set parent is having child.
Hello,You can handle the bound event:
function WebDataTree1_DataBound(sender, eventArgs){ ///<summary> /// ///</summary> ///<param name="sender" type="Infragistics.Web.UI.WebDataTree"></param> ///<param name="eventArgs" type="Infragistics.Web.UI.DataTreeNodeRangeEventArgs"></param> for (var i = 0; i < 599; i++) { sender.getNodes().getNode(i).set_isEmptyParent(true); } // debugger; //Add code to handle your event here.}