Hi, After a PostBack in MasterPage the item in WebDataMenu doesn't show as Selected item (CSS Class). How do I config this?
Also, how do I dynamically select a WebDataMenu item on the server side?
Hello,Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding this issue.
Hello Ross,Please take a look at the sample and modify it or attach a new one. I need to know if your build of NetAdvantage is the same as the one used from the sample and if the issue is reproducible in all browsers. Can you please describe in the sample what actions should be made and the selection remains after them.
FYI, when I select the menu item I want that menu item to have a different appearance even when the the user is on that menu item. Right now if the user clicks on a menu item, then clicks or tabs to area area on the content area, the menu item selected is no longer obvious to the user.