Hi, I am using JAWS. The problem is that chart never get focus inorder for jaws to read alt text. Pressing tab simply skips the control.
How do I gain focus to the chart?
My chart never has focus.
Screen Readers wont work unless the chart has focus and then can read the alt text.
All these alternate texts are set(look at the code below).
but setting the tabindex and accesskey on img still does not announce these alternate texts.
i do see the tabindex being tabbed from each area on the map but the screen reader does not read anything from its alt texts.
this.UltraChart.Focus(); this.UltraChart.Section508Compliant = true; this.UltraChart.Section508.ChartItems.AltTextFormatString = "<ITEM_LABEL>: <DATA_VALUE:#> (<PERCENT_VALUE:#>%)"; this.UltraChart.Section508.ChartItems.TitleFormatString = "<ITEM_LABEL>: <DATA_VALUE:#> (<PERCENT_VALUE:#>%)"; this.UltraChart.Section508.ChartImage.AltTextFormatString = "Program Other"; this.UltraChart.Section508.ChartImage.AltFormatString = "Program Other"; this.UltraChart.Tooltips.Display = TooltipDisplay.MouseMove;
Thanks Maya. I did get the image and able to tab through the image but the screen reader still does not read the alt text from these iamges.
Hello shaider1964 ,
The get method ($get) is a shortcut for Sys.Application.findComponent( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb397522%28loband%29.aspx ). This return the element or null if it doesn’t find it.
In the previous sample code I’ve mentioned I use the jQuery selector: $("#id”) which returns an array as the result of the selector. Which is why you get the image from img[0]- first result in that collection. If you get the image with $find or $get then you don’t need to get the first index. Juts use img.tabIndex. However keep in mind to check whether the method has returned the element and not null.
Best Regards,
Maya Kirova
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics, Inc.
Thank you Maya for responding.
This is what i have done: I have added the javascript on top of the aspx page where my chart is going to. But I get error: Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected
Please let me know what I am missing. Thanks
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { var img = $get('UltraChart1_BaseImage'); img[0].tabIndex = 1; });
</script> <igchart:UltraChart ID="UltraChart" runat="server" Section508Compliant="true" Enabled="true" Tooltips-Display="Never" AcceptsFocus="True" EmptyChartText="Data Not Available. Please call UltraChart.Data.DataBind() after setting valid Data.DataSource" TabIndex = "43" Version="9.2" >
Hi I dont have an image on my chart.
I will try to attch my code with this post. Thanks