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Item Label Not Visible in Composite Chart's Tooltip

I am using Infragistics4.WebUI.UltraWebChart.v11.2

I am using a composite chart

I want both the x and y values to be displayed in the tooltip.
Y Axis is of type Numeric
X Axis is of type Time

Following is the code that I am using.

ultraChart.Tooltips.Format = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.TooltipStyle.Custom;
ultraChart.Tooltips.FormatString = "<DATA_VALUE:0.##> @ <ITEM_LABEL>";

Ideally following is the output that I want to see
1093.22 @ 04/08
i.e. (y axis value @ x axis value).

But the above code gives only the y axis value i.e. (1093.22 @)

Please Help ASAP.

Utkarsh Bandekar

  • 375

    Problem Solved..

    I used the following

    class CustomToolTips : IRenderLabel
        public string ToString(System.Collections.Hashtable context)
            return context["DATA_VALUE"].ToString() + "@" + ((System.DateTime)context["TIME_VALUE"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss");

    Hashtable myHashTable = new Hashtable();
    myHashTable.Add("MyLabel", new CustomToolTips());
    ultraChart.LabelHash = myHashTable;

    ultraChart.Tooltips.Format = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.TooltipStyle.Custom;
    ultraChart.Tooltips.FormatString = "<MyLabel>";