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WebExplorerBar controls within Template have disappeared

I am attempting to swap the use of a WebPanel for the recommended ExplorerBar (and swapped the WebNumericEdit for the WebNumericEditor).  However, the controls that I have inside the explorerbar are not showing.  I am using a couple of WebGroupBoxes within the explorerbar, and have 6 labels and textboxes in one, and 5 lables, and dropdowns in the other.  Unfortunately, the contents of the webgroupboxes seem to have disappeared, event though they are specified in the html. 

In the attached document i have included 1. my original markup (using the WebPanel), 2. my original attempt to swap the WebPanel with the WebExplorerBar (with controls missing within the WebGroupBoxes);

I need to access and update these control (the WebNumericEditor and DropDownLists) both in javascript and on the server side.

How do I get this working.  Ultimately, I need to use the ExplorerBar as it allows me to collapse the group, and I would like to use the WebGroupBoxes within the ExplorerBar, as it is visually nicer than having to redo this another way.


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