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ultraWebTree to WebDataTree - Issues


I am trying to upgrade infragistics from 10.3 to 11.2  but seems like ultrawebtree is now retired and i need to work a way round to fix this by using webdatatree. There is a lot of properties mismatch and i could not figure out.

old - UltraWebTree code

<ignav:ultrawebtree id="uwtGroups1" runat="server" Width="100%" Height="100%" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="11px" ExpandImage="ig_treePlus.gif" Indentation="20" ImageDirectory="/ig_common/images/" BackColor="Transparent" WebTreeTarget="HierarchicalTree"  Cursor="Default" CollapseImage="ig_treeMinus.gif" BorderStyle="None" AllowDrag="true" AllowDrop="true" onnodechanged="uwtGroups_NodeChanged" >

<RootNodeStyle Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="Black"></RootNodeStyle>

<LeafNodeStyle ForeColor="MediumBlue"></LeafNodeStyle>

<SelectedNodeStyle ForeColor="White" BackColor="CornflowerBlue"></SelectedNodeStyle>

<HoverNodeStyle ForeColor="White" BackColor="CornflowerBlue"></HoverNodeStyle>

<NodePaddings Top="2px"></NodePaddings>


<ignav:Level Index="0"></ignav:Level>

<ignav:Level Index="1"></ignav:Level>


<IslandStyle ForeColor="Black" BackColor="Transparent"></IslandStyle>


<ExpandImage Url="ig_treePlus.gif"></ExpandImage>

<CollapseImage Url="ig_treeMinus.gif"></CollapseImage>


<ClientSideEvents KeyUp="fnMoveUp" />



 New- WebDataTree - that i am trying to write









<ig:WebDataTree ID="uwtGroups" runat="server" Width="100%" Height="100%" Font-Names="Verdana" AjaxIndicator-ImageUrl="ImageDirectory="/ig_common/images/"




Font-Size-Size="11px" ExpandImageToolTip="ig_treePlus.gif" NodeIndent="20" BackColor="Transparent" SelectionType="Single" EnableExpandImages="true"




CollapseImageToolTip="ig_treeMinus.gif" BorderStyle="None"

DragDropSettings-DragDropMode="Default" >



<NodeSettings NodeParentCssClass="parent" CssClass="child" SelectedCssClass="selhover" HoverCssClass="selhover" />



<ClientEvents KeyUp="fnMoveUp" />






Could any one help me out to achieve the followings

1. Where are the expanded and collapse image property.

2. The property specify to tree type like Classic/heirarchial.

3. the levels (I am binding source dynamically by creating relations and assigning to different levels based on few conditions)

4. Island Style of UWTree - what is the alternative here?

5.Node padding property

6. How to set AllowDrag and AllowDrop as true?

7. Could you give me any example to bind data dynamically from code.

For example this is how i am currently binding data in old UWTree.

There are two levels 0 and 1 and two datasets im pulling from DB thru SPs.

First Dataset  has 1 column named DepartmentName

Second Dataset has 2 columns namely DepartmentName and StaffName

I am binding the records of first dataset to the level-0 as parent node and on looping through them and joining by department name , i am binding the staffnames to corresponding departments.





















DataSet  dsDisplayNames = dsDisplayNamesOrig;




"Teams", dsDisplayNames.Tables["RootTeamName"].Columns["RootTeam"], dsDisplayNames.Tables["ChildTeamName"].Columns["RootTeam"]);


"DisplayNames", dsDisplayNames.Tables["ChildTeamName"].Columns["TeamName"], dsDisplayNames.Tables["DisplayName"].Columns["TeamName"]);



this.uwtGroups.DataSource = dsDisplayNames.Tables["RootTeamName"].DefaultView;



this.uwtGroups.Levels[0].RelationName = "Teams";



this.uwtGroups.Levels[0].ColumnName = "RootTeam";



this.uwtGroups.Levels[1].RelationName = "DisplayNames";



this.uwtGroups.Levels[1].ColumnName = "TeamName";



this.uwtGroups.Levels[2].ColumnName = "DisplayName";



this.uwtGroups.Levels[0].LevelKeyField = "RootTeam";



this.uwtGroups.Levels[1].LevelKeyField = "TeamName";



this.uwtGroups.DataMember = "RootTeam";










FirstEntry =





 Kindly help out






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