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Bind Ilist with UltraWebGrid


I have data in Ilist  using Nhibernate

how can i bind that  " Ilist " with UltraWebGrid " with autogenerate column is false

if i bind it using  " gv.datasource  " nothing is showed up in grid


Here is My Code 

IList lstCustomer = new List<Customer>();

                string MyHql = "SELECT cust.CustomerName as CustomerName,cust.CustomerAddress,ct.Cityname,case when cust.Gender = 1 then 'Male' else 'Female' end as Gender,cust.CustomerId FROM City as ct,Customers as cust where ct.Cityid=cust.Cityid";

                IQuery oIquery = I_session.CreateQuery(MyHql);

                lstCustomer = oIquery.List();

gvInfra.DataSource =  lstCustomer  ; gvInfra.DataBind();