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How to Tab functionality in the grid as existed for the WebGrid


The facility like tab direction of Ultrawebgrid is missing from the Webdatagrid. Or we can determine where it is or how to implement this feature. This is important as we migrate from the UltraWebGrid to the WebDataGrid 

Can you help us get this functionality in the WebDataGrid

Kindly let us know of how to achieve this functionality at the earliest.

  • 10240


    The WebDataGrid does offer keyboard navigation of the grid, which includes the ability to tab through the grid. For this functionality you need to have the Activation behavior enabled. Do you have this behavior enabled for your project?

    You can enable Activation in the designer, in mark-up or in code-behind. Here are more details on enabling Activation:

    Once Activation has been enabled you should find that you can tab through the grid as you have described.

    Please let me know if you need any additional assistance regarding this matter.