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Get all Nodes in javascript of webdatatree



Can anyone let me know how to get all the nodes in javascript when button click. 

i need the function to get all the node in button click  but get_checkedNodes will be in checked change event of tree view . how can i get the get the checked nodes in treeview without any treeview events.

i have been using the following code but it error is comming,


 var nodes = new Array;


            var tree = document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_WebTab1_tmpl0_WebDataTree1');


            nodes = tree.get_checkedNodes();


            var CompGuid = "";


            for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {


                if (nodes[i].get_checkState == 1) {


                    //if (CompGuid.length > 0) {


                        CompGuid += ",";




                    CompGuid += nodes[i].value;






Thanks in Advance.

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