I just started with Infragistic tools for ASP, and I actually got a WebDataGrid to work with one datasource (an sql table). Ultimately what I would like is to have a dropdown listing all my tables and when I click a table in the dropdownlist the datasource switches to that table and the webdatagrid displays all the columns in that table. In other words I'm trying to create a "raw editing" capability for all my application tables where I can go in, pick a table, and edit any field.
I'm sure there must be an easy way to do this and I'm just too new to the control to figure it out. Any suggestions would be appreciated very much. Has anybody done anything like this and is willing to share some sample code?
Hello rvandervalk,Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding this issue.
Hello rvandervalk,,My suggestion is to use ne datasoure and on selection changed of the drop down into a switch/case to change the select and the update statement of the datasource in order to match the selected datatable (primary key and fields). As David pointed you will have to clear the datasource and call DataBind after this.
Hi rvandervalk,
If you need to switch data sources, you will need to call ClearDataSource() on the grid before doing so.
regards,David Young