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Add Client Side Item in WebDropDown Template


I am using a WebDropDown with a custom table template.

I just want to add a new template item at cliet side using javascript or jQuery.

Please suggest.

My aspx page code given below :





















































<ig:WebDropDown ID="ddlOrder" runat="server" Width="100%" DisplayMode




DataSourceID="SqlDataSourceOrder" DropDownContainerHeight="300px" EnableClosingDropDownOnBlur




EnableClosingDropDownOnSelect="true" EnableLoadOnDemand="true" EnablePersistingCustomValues




PageSize="200" EnableAutoFiltering="Server" AutoFilterQueryType="Contains" EnableAutoCompleteFirstMatch




CurrentValue="" TextField="Search" ValueField








<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing








<tr class




<td width




<asp:Label ID="LBL_194_1" ToolTip="0" runat="server">Article Code</asp:Label></td




<td width




<asp:Label ID="LBL_195_1" ToolTip="0" runat="server">Article Name</asp:Label></td




<td width




<asp:Label ID="LBL_197_1" ToolTip="0" runat="server">Buyer Ref.</asp:Label></td




<td width




<asp:Label ID="LBL_413_1" ToolTip="0" runat="server">Purchase Order No.</asp:Label></td




<td width




<asp:Label ID="LBL_238_1" ToolTip="0" runat="server">Delivery Date</asp:Label></td>



















<table style="width: 100%; border-collapse:collapse" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border




<tr class="clsRowDataLabel" height




<td width




#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ArticleCode"








<td width




#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ArticleName"








<td width




#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "BuyerReference"








<td width




#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "PONum"








<td width




#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "DeliveryDate"







<td style

="display: none">



#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Search"







<td style

="display: none">



#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "OrderID"



















<ClientEvents DropDownClosed






  • 49378

    Hi wfx,

    Thank you for posting in the community.

    If your requirement is to add a new row in the templated table inside an item's container, this can be achieved by accessing the dropdown item's element, for istance:

     ig_controls.WebDropDown1.get_items().getItem(0).get_element().children[0].insertRow(0).insertCell(0).textContent = 'This is a new cell in a new row';

    More information and instructions on how to add items in WebDropDown client-side may be found at:

    Please let me know if this helps.

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