I'm using version 11.1 And I can't upload any media, image or flash larger than 5 mb with the htmlEditor, the error is the following:
"Upload error. The chosen file has exceeded the maximum allowable upload size and cannot be uploaded."
How can I incrise the upload size?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Hi AlejandroPalacios,
In order to change the max file size to upload, follow these steps: From the smart tag of WebHtmlEditor go to Quick Design. Click on ‘Toolbar’ tab and from the Toolbar Items list select InsertImage, InsertFlash or InsertWindowsMedia, depending on what file types’ max size you want to change. In the Properties window under Upload, find the MaxFileSize property. Change that to whatever value (bytes) you want.
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask.