I tryed to switch off the refresheinterval during UltraGauge1_AsyncRefresh event, using following command: UltrGauge1.RefreshInterval = -1
But it doesn't work, existing refresh timeout continue to run.
Anybody as a suggestion or a turn around for switchoff the refreshinterval programmatically during the AsyncRefresh or other event?
i see this was submitted as a bug (BR32360), so a resolution should be forthcoming. the gauge just wasn't designed to update the interval via async postback, but i think it can be arranged.
you can clear the interval in javascript using this code:
var g = ig_getWebControlById("UltraWebGauge1");
Thank you David for your answer,
my problem is that I load an user control (with inside the gauge) programmatically on my page, and there isn't a way for setup refreshinterval value.
I tryed in different way but the value is always -1. [:'(]
How I can set the refresinterval when I load the user control programmatically?
i don't see why the RefreshInterval would fail if you're just dynamically loading a UserControl with a gauge and setting it... but another way to set the interval is through javascript... try rendering this to the page in your body.onload javascript handler, or using the Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock method.
<script type="text/javascript">window.setTimeout("ig_getWebControlById("UltraWebGauge1").refresh();", 100);</script>