I'm using the WebDatePicker and WebMonthCalendar controls. I would like to use the Infragistics styles/themes. We have the Ultimate 2011.2 suite which comes with the Infragistics.Web.SampleBrowser project. How do I apply themes that come in this project toWebDatePicker and WebMonthCalendar in my project?
I've set the StyleSetName property of the calendar control but I don't see any change and of course this is because I don't have the styles in my project. So how do I hook everything up?
My project is a SharePoint 2010 web parts project.
Hi KrisVice,
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Hello KrisVice,
Thank you for posting in our forum.
In order to be able to use different styles, you should import the corresponding style set first. You could do this from the Application Styling Configuration under the Tools menu. After importing the style set, you should be able to change the style of a control by setting the StyleSetName property. Another way to do this is from the properties panel of a control - click the drop down next to StyleSetName property and select Import.
Please let me know if this helps.