In the server event section of the documentation the following is mentioned..
"Only inside FileStarting you can set the serverMessage property, which than is send to the client."
If I set the serverMessage property how exactly can I retrieve it at the client? Which client method and which argument/property contains the message that I send? I'd like to send down a custom message to the client that can be used later.
I set the message and looked around in the debugger at the client but didn't see it.
Thanks, Steve
Hello Sperna,
You need to handle onError client-side event and in this event you will get serverMessage from infoObject as shown below:
function WebUpload1_onError(eventArgs, infoObject){ var serverMessage = infoObject.serverMessage;}
I hope this helps.
I am just following up to see if you were able to get server message based on the information I have provided above.