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Hi, I don't see a current post, so here it is. I have a WebDateTimeEditor below. I have the properties set, I've even tried setting them in code-behind, but nothing seems to change the format. When I attach the columnkey property to my grid field, the data is presented as Mon May 23 00:00:00 CDT, instead of 5/23/2011. I tried a format string of mm/dd/yyyy, but the online help only showed g for short date string. Also, when I click it to edit ti shows the date/time format of __/__/____ __:__. This of course is not correct either. If I should just be using a different format string, other than mm/dd/yyyy, what is it since help only shows "g" in the code-behind sample? Thanks.

<ig:WebDateTimeEditor ID="dtPerformancePlanCompletedDate" runat="server" BackColor="yellow" DataMode="DateOrDBNull"
 DisplayModeFormat="g" EditModeFormat="g" Nullable="true" NullText="Select a Date" columnkey="COMPLETEDDATE">