Hi I am using Infragistics4.Web.v11.2, Version=11.2.20112.1019.
I have a webdatagrid, for which I am trying to bind an ObjectDatasource in the code behind, by doing something like this:
ObjectDataSource objectDataSource = new ObjectDataSource();
objectDataSource.ID = "ObjSrc";
objectDataSource.SelectMethod = "get";
objectDataSource.TypeName = "MyApp.App_Code.DAL.DAL";
objectDataSource.DataObjectTypeName = "MyApp.App_Code.DAL.DAL";
objectDataSource.UpdateMethod = "update";
objectDataSource.SortParameterName = "sortExp";
objectDataSource.EnablePaging = true;
objectDataSource.StartRowIndexParameterName = "StartRecord";
objectDataSource.MaximumRowsParameterName = "PageSize";
objectDataSource.SelectCountMethod = "getCount";
objectDataSource.EnableCaching = false;
Parameter whereClauseParameter = new Parameter();
whereClauseParameter.Name = "whereClause";
whereClauseParameter.Type = TypeCode.String;
whereClauseParameter.DefaultValue = whereClause;
DataGrid.DataSource = objectDataSource;
Can anyone tell me how to similarly define an OnUpdated event handler from the code behind. I see that the ObjectDataSource class does not have any field like "OnUpdated".
Hello Nancy,
Here is a link how to use SQLDataSource with WDG which conceptually is similar to using ObjectDataSource with WDG. I hope this can help you to adjust it to your scenario.