We upgraded to 11.2 and right now we are struggling with the no longer included products, in this case the WebToolBar.
One of the useful properties that WebToolBar had was the hability to toggle a TBarButton. Is this possible with WebDataItems?
In addition to this we would appreciate any documentation guiding the migration, not only for WebToolBar.
Thanks in advance.
OK, thanks for the example. I was just needed a button with an image and no text, so I think I will try using an HTML Image button:
<input id="Button1" type="image" class="Ordinary" value="" onclick="Button1_Click(this);">
I will try this out and see if it will work for what I need.
Hello,Please take a look at the sample. It has two template buttons. When they are clicked i change the css class applied to them. You can also change the text. Please adjust with css the buttons to match your design
Can you give me an example of how any of these can toggle?
ASP button or HTML button. You can also use our WebImageButton.
What control do you suggest to use in the ItemTemplate to act like a toggle button?