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Web Spell Cheker Throwing error


Could you please help me in resolving the following error with webspellchecker?

I am using a webspellchecker v 10.3. I have a webspellchecker which is associated with a htmlinput button.

<ig_spell:WebSpellChecker ID="wscComments" runat="server" TextComponentId="txtComment"
        ButtonId="btnSpellCheck" >
        <ClientEvents SpellCheckComplete="wscComments_SpellCheckComplete" />

 on click of button, the spellchecker, it opens the suggestion pop up and when I pick a suggestion and click finish button ,it is getting into error. While debugging ,I found the following exception is being thrown.

window.status="Can't init script for WebSpellChecker";

 In the spell check complete clientside function ,checked Text was not changed to the suggested text which I picked from the suggestions.

function wscComments_SpellCheckComplete(oWebSpellChecker, oEvent, uncheckedText, checkedText)
        {            count();


Thanks for your help in advance.

Thank you,



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