I've enabled sorting in my WebHierarchicalDataGrid.
I have a Boolean column showing checkboxes.
The column sorts as expected, showing the sort indicator at the top of the column header.
However, when I change one of the checkboxes and then move the focus to the next row, the column resorts the data and the item I just change disappears to the bottom of the list. I understand why this is happening.
But, Is there a way to sort a column once and don't have it sort again when the data in the column is changed by the user?
Hi Brian,
If you do batch updating with row updates, this will not happen. In 11.1 and prior, do not handle the RowUpdating server events and in 11.2, turn BatchUpdating to true on the Editing Core behavior. This will keep the edits in place until another postback occurs.
Another possibility is to create a clone of your column that you sort on so that when you edit the visible data, it doesn't change position.
regards,David Young
Hello Brian,
Probably this happens because you have enabled Activation. If you want to sort a column only once you could try to disable Sorting from the Behaviors and sort the grid in code: