I hope this makes sense and doesn't sound too stupid on my part.
We purchased .NET Advantage 2011 Vol 1 recently and I used a WebPanel to successfully load a series of "Search Options" for the user - drop downs and keyed in text. The user expanded the panel and could enter additional options and search; then they could close it up after they were done. Worked great.
Now 2011 Vol 2 comes out and the WebPanel has been "retired". We're not in production yet...so I'd rather not carry a retired control into the new application. I found a suggested alternative which was the WebExplorerBar.
I'm working on the layout with the new control at the moment...and I can't figure out how to access the selected control value - i.e. a dropdown selected value or entered text - from the ItemTemplate. We're using C#, so any advice or examples would be great!
Hello Jbristow ,
Thank you for writing in our forum.
If you need to access the values of the controls from the server side you could do it through the WebExplorerBar1.Groups[0].Items[0].FindControl(“controlId”) method.
WebDropDown dd =(WebDropDown) WebExplorerBar1.Groups[0].Items[0].FindControl("WebDropDown1");
string selectedValue = dd.SelectedItem.Text;
I’m attaching a sample for your reference that accesses the controls nested in the WebExplorerBar in the Page_Load event. Please refer to the sample and let me know if this is the behavior you’re after.
Best Regards,
Maya Kirova
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics, Inc.
Thank You...I just came to the same conclusion about 15 minutes before your response. lol!
I reference the controls by the FindControl method and load them as needed and then on a search I once again reference the control and get user supplied values for the search. Works great! My search options include dropdowns and textboxes and all works well.
The solution works great and gives the user a great experience because I can hide the less used search options in the WebExplorerBar...drop it down on request...and then hide once again when the user wants to see more data and less options.
Thanks again!