I use WebMonthCalendar as dropdown for WebDatePickerwhen I only want to change the year I have to select the day after selecting then year
is there a way around that?
our user want to select in this order day - month - year in one go
or just select a year
Hello Christian,
If I understand you correctly you want to select year directly instead of selecting day and month first.
There is way to force the calendar to open its year view on first load instead of day calendar.
<script type="text/javascript" id="igClientScript"> var datePicker; function DatePicker_CalendarOpening(sender, eventArgs) { datePicker = sender; setTimeout("showMonths()", 10); } function showMonths() { datePicker.get_calendar().showList(1); } </script>
<script type="text/javascript" id="igClientScript">
var datePicker;
function DatePicker_CalendarOpening(sender, eventArgs) {
datePicker = sender;
setTimeout("showMonths()", 10);
function showMonths() {
Let me know if this solution is acceptable in your scenario.