My users have been reporting since yesterday that dates they enter into the WebDataGrid are losing a day when saving to the database.
On closer inspection, these date/time fields are losing 1 hour. For example, if a user enters 11/7/2011 into the WebDataGrid, 11/6/2011 11:00PM will be stored to the database, and the users then sees 11/6/2011 displayed in the grid as his saved value. This occurs regardless of the EditorProvider used... This even happens if you use the TextBox provider.
And this began recently, oddly corresponding to Daylight Savings Time.
I have found a very clumsy workaround. If you change your SQL statement so that it converts DateTime fields to VarChars, the WebDataGrid won't corrupt the date.
I have opened a support ticket CAS-77072-NSTXZT, but have also posted the issue and the workaround here, for the benefit of other users.
I consider this issue to be critical, since it is corrupting data.
All of the controls in release 20111.2090 are failing. It appears that none of the assets have been deployed to the CDN.
Alex just responded to my support request and sent me a link to 20111.2090. Will give it a shot.
We've just started the merges. I believe it is targeted for the middle of this month. I'm not sure of an exact date. If you get in touch with Developer Support, they can attach your case to the bug or you could get an untested build if you wanted to go that route.
Thank you Microsoft! I am sending a Thank You Card to Redmond. I will let their date serializer determine what date to deliver it. Do you have a time projection for the next SR?
Hi Rob,
You can thank Microsoft for the problem since they do not serialize dates properly. This was reported in bug 84041 and looks to be resolved in build 11.1.20111.2088, so it should be available in the next Service Release. We changed how the dates are sent back and forth to the client (as strings, like you) to account for time zones and day light savings.
regards,David Young