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Child Row Adding

When attempting to add a child row where AutoCRUD="false" both on the parnent grid and the child band, I get the following error;

"Original data source does not support inserts."

What I'd LIKE to do is handle the insert using the SQL Datasource, myself, because I need to set the ParentId parameter before the insert of the row, but for some reason the Grid keeps attempting to execute on the DataSource.

Is there some parameter that I need to set to prevent this from happening?

Besides  EnableDataViewState="false" I mean, because if I disable the DataViewState, then the grid goes all screwy and I get errors like "Microsoft JScript runtime error: ASP.NET Ajax client-side framework failed to load." and "Object refrence not set to an instance of object" etc...


Help... please...

  • 125

    I don't know what the difference is between the old code and the new code, but it's working now.


    Essentially, EnableDataViewState="false" but now I'm manged to get rid of the other errors as well... somehow... (Basically did it from scratch on a test page and then copied it over)