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Adding a New Row not displaying on Grid

I am using client side events to handle adding a new row to the grid. It looks like it is saving it to the grid (the processing control loads for a 5 sec) but I do not see the new row on my grid.

I created a row editing template to display when I am trying to add a new row. I click save and it goes to my template closing and closed events. Within those evenets I have tried....






rows = grid.get_rows();




var rowadded = grid.get_behaviors().get_editingCore().get_behaviors().get_rowAdding().get_row();




var rowValuesArr = constructArray(rowadded);


** The one below I got the processing control display but nothing shows up in the grid






I do not know what else to try.


  • 49378
    Suggested Answer

    Hi apalcer,

    It has been some time since your post, however in case you still need assistance I would be glad to help.

    As far as I can understand, after adding the new row through the grid UI, an AJAX call is occurring for you. Please ensure that the new row is being added to your datasource. If using AutoCRUD, the grid's data source also needs to support automatic CRUD operations (otherwise manual CRUD should be employed).

    If you need to access the new row object clientside, this can be done in the RowAdding clientside handler using something similar to:


    Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.