I have loaded the hierarchial grid with single level band using 'Manual Load on Demand' method. I have created a checkbox template column in child band (server-side) using Interface. Now, I have to handle certain functions in the check-box's checked changed event.
How shall i handle the event for check-box which is in template column either from client-side or server-side ?
Note: I am using 2010.3 version.
Hello tct_rani_1106 ,
Thank you for posting in our forums.
I recommend you handling the InitializeRow event of the WebHierarchicalDataGrid.
You can check the Level of the row and if it is in the child band you can find the CheckBox control
and subscribe it for CheckedChanged event.
Do you have claims if it should be handled on the server or the client side?
Hope hearing from you.
Hi Georgieva,
As you said, i tried to include addHandler in the Webhierarchialdatagrid's InitializeRow event. Even then the event is not triggered.
If i give the AutoPostBack= true for the checkbox,
ERROR: "PageRequestManager: Collection was modified" is displayed.
This is because i have binded the Grid in each postback.
I couldn't find any solution still....could you provide a solution as soon as possible
Hi Georgia,
I am facing a new issue. While adding a new row (parent) in WHDG, the RowAdding event gets completed successfully. But since i have to refresh the grid after the New Row added, i have re-binded the grid again in the last line of WHDG_RowAdding event.
Now i am facing the attached error in the line
Could you give any idea of why this error is thrown ?
Hello ,
Do you have the latest service releaseof version 11.1 installed ?
If you still experience the issue after that could you please provide us with an isolated sample reproducing the issue?
After a long time struggle i think i found out the cause for the above reason.
If I set EnableAjax="true" for the WHDG i am facing the following error while adding new row
If I remove the Tag EnableAjax="true", I am facing the folowing error while expanding the parent rows.
How shall i solve out and achieve both the cases ?
any suggestions please ?
By default EnableAjax= true, and it should enable it if you want to implement manual load on demand.
I recommend you installing the latest SR and if you still experience the issue , I will appreciate an isolated sample reproducing the issue.
I have to provide a download option in Webdatagrid to download the files from Azure Blob. How shall i create image column in WebDataGrid ?
Does it should be created as template column as i did for Checkbox ? if so, the function that is called using pagemethods will not allow me to access the azure blob.
How shall i proceed in this case ?