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enabling selection of row while one cell has textbox in the column's TemplateDataField declaration

Hi, can u pls help with this:

I have datagridview with one of the columns defined like this:

<ig:TemplateDataField Width="90px"  CssClass="RightCellContent"  Key="Correction">                    


                     (Plus) Correction <img src="../../lodestar/ig_res/Default/images/Edit.png" 

                     onclick='showNotes();' />



                    <asp:TextBox ID="CorrectionTB" CssClass="RightCellContent" Columns="5" onkeypress="event.returnValue=isBetween_0_99999(event, this);" Text='<%# Eval("Correction") %>'   

                    runat="server"  onkeydown="dirty()" ></asp:TextBox>                    



But if I add the following declaration in my grid to allow selection of the row:


                      <ig:Activation />                             

                     <ig:Selection RowSelectType="None" CellClickAction="Cell" />  


Then it does not allow me to enter values in my textbox anymore, I only can do that if I remove the line:

<ig:Selection RowSelectType="None" CellClickAction="Cell" /> 

Can u pls suggest a way for me to make this work ? or

Do u have some small sample for me pls that allows me to have templatedatafield with textbox inside it and allows me to select rows at the same time ?

The client wants that way

Thank u for ur time :)