Hi there!
I use more than one WebDialog on my page. I want to use them like normal windows. The problem is that they don't come up infront an other dialog when i click the header. Other WebDialogs still are above the dialog. Though, when I maximze the window it becomes the top most. When I restore it again it has its old position behind the other dialog. Is there a function in the CSOM which is undocumented which brings a dialog in front of all others? I couldn't find any in the latest docs. I use the latest build!
Thanks in advanceBob
Glad I was able to help. I am probably going to suggest a new public CSOM method for WebDialogWindow, for example "bringToTop()" which will make sure that said window will always be placed on top of other WebDialogWindow instances on the page. I see many cases where this might be hany and much easier for developers to use than playing with z indices directly.
Thanks a lot for the feedback - keep it coming.
Thanks a lot Rumen!!! That made it possible. It also answered lots of other questions for me. I simply look into the object with the debugger and find the methods and props ;-)
I also tried to do the same based on the CSOM docs and was off to a slow start. While I cannot give you a definitive answer at this point (I am still researching the problem), I believe I can be helpful in sharing a debugging technique on the client-side which will bring you a list of all methods an(public and private) on the client. You can use the "debugger;" javascript keyword to trigger VS.NET debugger in IE (first make sure you go to IE Options and uncheck the "Disable Script Debugging" checkbox) or FireBug, if you have the FireBug add-on installed.
<cc1:WebDialogWindow ID="WebDialogWindow1" runat="server" Height="300px" Width="400px"> <ClientEvents Initialize="handleInit" /> <ContentPane ContentUrl="http://www.google.com"></ContentPane> </cc1:WebDialogWindow> <script type="text/javascript"> function handleInit(sender, args) { debugger; } </script>
Typically, the methods with "_" prefixes are private. You can add "sender" to your Watch Debug Window to see all available options there.
In this case, you may try experimenting with the z-index of the Html element of the window available through sender.get_element().style.zIndex... setting big zIndex for the active window may resolve the problem.