i have 3 webdropdown like make,model and submodel
I can able to add special charcater .
Ex : Makename - "Acura & marine"
But while selecting make i got argument exception error: Unterminated string passed in..."
Please help how to manipulate special characters in Casecading webdropdown
Hi Murugan,
Try to replace "&" with "&"
Hi all,
I'm using WebDropDown version v10.3. I added OnItemsRequested on Server Site to filter values entered from WebDropDown .
When I enter values which contains special chars(&, ',....) on WebDropDown, then same issue occurs exactly.
Please support me to resolve this issue.
Hi there,
Thanks for attaching a sample. I will play around with it and will give you an update as soon as I have some more insight!
This is resolved in version 11.1.20111.2020
I am using some client-side code to manually request items (similar to this post -- http://blogs.infragistics.com/forums/t/27855.aspx)
function wddAutoFilterSelectValueChanged(sender, args) { if (!isTyping) { sender.loadItems(args._props[2]); } isTyping = false; }
I see that the server-side code is handling ampersands correctly (thanks for fixing in 11.1.20111.2020) but the client-side code does not. Can you suggest a fix for this?
I still experience this error using version 11.1.20111.2020. Can you confirm and provide an update?
I just checked your live sample site. I am still getting this error.
Is your sample site version is 11.1.20111.2020?
I loaded your sample with the latest version and it ran without any issues. The latest service release is .2116 so please install it and you will have this issue go away.
Thank you for using the Infragistics forums!