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Custom args in windowStateChangingEvt of WebDialogWindow.

I am new to Infragistics ASP.NET controls and try to learn as much as possible.

I am stuck with WebDialogWindow control. I am using WebHierarchicalDataGrid and on each cell I am opening Web Dialog window in WHDG_CellSelectionChanged function using overrideWindow.get_contentPane().set_contentUrl("Override.aspx?QryValue=" + param);

My Override.aspx page doing some business process and same some data to backend database. the same data I need to return when WebDialogWindow state changed to closed.

I found windowStateChangingEvt function is getting called on closing WebDialogWindow but how to set custom args in windowStateChangingEvt function?

Also please let me know if any better way to achive this functionality.


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  • 19693

    Hello omidixit,

    Thank you for posting in our forums.

    I recommend you using input button added inside the WebDialogWindow.

    You can pass arguments through the onClick function.

    In the implementation of this function you can use the passed paramener and close the WebDialogWindow.

    Let me know if you need further assistance.

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