Ouch... I just blew most of a night trying to do something that should have been pretty simple.
I have currency columns in my WebDataGrid. (using dataformat {0:c}). I just wanted to export the grid to Excel with totals at the bottom. Not an exotic thing to want to do at all.
Bug after bug after bug...
1) The values went into Excel with the $ as part of the value, converting the value from a number to text, and blocking any aggregation on the column. The WebExcelExporter should instead use Excel FormatStrings, to preserve the value as a number to allow calculations.
2) Once I figured out how to force the numbers to go into Excel as numbers, I had difficulty getting the summary formatted as currency
3) The "Sum = " text was exported to Excel as part of each summary despite it being removed from the Summary behavior.
Finally got it working... In case anyone else needs to do something similar, here is the magic code:
Protected Sub WebExcelExporter1_CellExported(sender As Object, e As Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.ExcelCellExportedEventArgs) Handles WebExcelExporter1.CellExported If Not e.IsFooterCell And Not e.IsHeaderCell And Not e.IsSummaryCell Then '{0:c} outputs the $ as part of the value instead of using Excel formatting... causing SUM not to work. 'Strip out the $ and replace it with an Excel format string Select Case CType(Session(sSessionVar), DataTable).Columns(e.CurrentColumnIndex).ColumnName Case "Base", "Discount", "Total", "TX Sales Tax", "Total with Tax" 'only apply this on my currency fields If nz(e.WorksheetCell.Value).StartsWith("$") Then e.WorksheetCell.Value = nzDbl(e.WorksheetCell.Value.ToString.Replace("$", "")) e.WorksheetCell.CellFormat.FormatString = "_($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* ""-""??_);_(@_)" End If End Select End If If e.IsSummaryCell Then 'WebExcelExporter has two bugs. '1) It does not format the amount in the summary as currency, and '2) it includes the "Sum = " text, regardless of how we have the Summary behavior configured. 'Must rebuild the SUM function. If Not IsNothing(e.WorksheetCell.Formula) Then Dim sformula As String = e.WorksheetCell.Formula.ToString(Infragistics.Excel.CellReferenceMode.R1C1) sformula = sformula.Replace("C", "C[0]") sformula = sformula.Replace("SUM(", "SUM(INDIRECT(""").Replace(")", """,FALSE))") sformula = sformula.Replace("""Sum = "" & ", "") e.WorksheetCell.ApplyFormula(sformula) Select Case CType(Session(sSessionVar), DataTable).Columns(e.CurrentColumnIndex).ColumnName Case "Base", "Discount", "Total", "TX Sales Tax", "Total with Tax" 'only apply this on my currency fields e.WorksheetCell.CellFormat.FormatString = "_($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* ""-""??_);_(@_)" End Select End If End If End Sub
A life-long fan of Infragistics, but pretty-please have a look at fixing this ;)
Hi Tsvetelina
I am also facing same kind of issue.
Here I have some column whose datatype is System.Decimal but format are different like for Amount - {0:C} and for percentage - {0:N2}.
Than on WebExcelExporter1_GridRecordItemExporting event I am doing as
string sSymbol = LanguageManager.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol; if ((e.GridCell.Column.Type.FullName == "System.Decimal") || (e.GridCell.Column.Type.FullName == "System.Double")) e.WorksheetCell.CellFormat.FormatString = sSymbol + "#,##0.00;(" + sSymbol + "#,##0.00);-";
than It is displaying Currency format for Amount and also for Percentage. please suggest how to acheive only Currency on amount field not on percentage field.
and I also want to display summary for column with format only in amount field not on percentage field.
Hi Aaron,
These are two separate controls, in different products. I would suggest asking you question on the Windows Forms forums. I do not know about the API for those controls.
I'm using v7.3 of the UltraWinGrid and am having a similar problem as above. My summary row data is exporting to excel as text, even though all the other data in the grid is correctly exported as a number.
How do I make use of the fix that Tsvetelina mentioned above?
Hello Rob,
I have forwarded your suggestion to the team responsible for the sample browser.
Let us know if we can assist you further.
Tsvetelina, that worked brilliantly!
As I was working through this, I went to the Samples Browser for the excel exporter, and tried to find an example of how to do this... Not one of the samples included a currency column.
It might save someone else a lot of time if you guys modified one of the samples to include this technique.
Thank you very much!