What is the best way to update the child row? I'm able to update the parent but I'm not sure the best way to update the child. I have the sqldatasources working but when a value in the child of the grid is updated it doesn't update the data.
There aren't any exposed events for the child band, nor is there anything in the csom that lets you rebind the grid and the commit() method (referenced on other posts) doesn't work.
So, I'm not sure. How am I supposed to actually update the data on the child band?
thanks for any help you can provide.
"If you have a RowUpdating behavior handled on the server, the grid will commit changes on a row by row basis as soon as the active cell leaves every changed row."
RowUpdating behavior is handled on the server. The grid does commit changes on a row by row basis. It works for the parent. The child never fires an event. However, if I change the parent, it updates the parent and child.
I've gone throught the sample and it behaves just like mine. Changes can be made, but changes aren't saved.
Thank you for your assistance!
Hello mclingan ,
As Dave has shared if you get access to the Band in the code behind, you can add Updating server events that the child grids will then fire.
For example :
WebHierarchicalDataGrid1.GridView.RowUpdating += new RowUpdatingHandler(GridView_RowUpdating);
protected void GridView_RowUpdating(object sender, RowUpdatingEventArgs e)
// TO DO
If you have a RowUpdating behavior handled on the server,
the grid will commit changes on a row by row basis as soon as the active cell leaves every changed row.If you have turned on AutoCRUD and don't handle the RowUpdating event on the server, then the grid will accumulate all of the cell changes on the client and will commit them once on the first full post back.
Here is a online sample regarding Child Band editing:
Hope this helps.
can you give me an example maybe?
and update to child band doesn't call anything in code behind....only an update to parent. ((There aren't any events that are fired when the child band is updated). I did ad add a javascript call to child band but there isn't a command to update grid from BLOCKED SCRIPT
<Behaviors> <ig:EditingCore> <EditingClientEvents RowUpdated="gridlog_Editing_Child_RowUpdated" /> <Behaviors> <ig:CellEditing Enabled="true"> <ColumnSettings> ... <snip>... </ColumnSettings> <EditModeActions MouseClick="Single" /> </ig:CellEditing> <ig:RowAdding Enabled="true"> <ColumnSettings> ... <snip>... </ColumnSettings> <EditModeActions MouseClick="Single" /> </ig:RowAdding> <ig:RowDeleting Enabled="true" /> </Behaviors> </ig:EditingCore> </Behaviors>
Hi mclingan,
If you get access to the Band in the code behind, you can add Updating server events that the child grids will then fire.
regards,David Young