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Setting Active Tab on Page load

I have a Set of tabs(5 total), each tab has a listview on it.  Control works fine when switching tabs and loading data.  The problem arrises when I try to change the selected tab when the user first request the page and has a value in the request url.  Example MYPage.aspx?t=3, so the page defaults to tab 3 instead of the first tab.  The error the pops up is the listview on the tab doesn't exist

 The error I get says it can't find the listview control on the page...

Error Message

IPageableItemContainer 'listview3' not found.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request.  Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: IPageableItemContainer 'listview3' not found.

Sample Code in page_init

 If Not Request.Item("t") Is Nothing Then
   If IsNumeric(Request.Item("t")) Then
    WebTab1.SelectedIndex = CInt(Request.Item("t"))
   End If
   WebTab1.SelectedIndex = 0
  End If

Strip down sample of webtab, I have removed the tabs/control in tab since the code is huge.


     <ig:WebTab ID="WebTab1" runat="server" Height="550px" Width="100%" onselectedindexchanged="WebTab1_SelectedIndexChanged" StyleSetName="Default">
      <PostBackOptions EnableLoadOnDemandUrl="true" EnableLoadOnDemand="true" EnableReloadingUnselectedTab="true" EnableAjax ="true"/>
      <AutoPostBackFlags SelectedIndexChanged ="On"/>

 I am hoping I am just setting the active tab wrong, or at the wrong time, or there is something else I am missing.