Hello Infragistics Team,
I am using manual load on demand on my child rows which is I have followed from an answer by Rado in this thread http://community.infragistics.com/forums/t/44916.aspx.
Problem is, it seems that the WebExcelExporter can't export the visible child bands, I have followed the procedure here on exporting https://es.infragistics.com/samples/aspnet/data-grid/excel-exporter
Thank you and Best Regards,
Anyone ?
I wish some could help me on this. :(
Hi swavaldez,
Sorry for the delay in response time. Last minute details to attend to get 11.1 out. If you could attach a sample that shows this problem, I can look at it much quicker. Otherwise, it will take me longer to build a sample to replicate it. Another option is to contact Developer Support and work with them on replicating the problem and submitting a bug if necessary.
David Young
Hi AgentD,
Thank you for your response. I will try to replicate this on in a local database inside a project.
The system that I made is ready for production, This is the only problem that left in terms of exporting. :(
My boss bought Infragistics because of its capability to export WebDatagrid or WebHirarchicalDatagrid to Excel files as your sales have said.
Again, Thank you!