Exporting to excel from the grid and modifying custom worksheets.
That example works for looping through a grid with a single page, but how do you loop through a grid with multiple pages.
' This just loops through the visible page on grid.
For Each gridField As GridField In webDataGrid.Columns iRow = 0 customWorksheet1.Rows(iRow).Cells(iCell).Value = gridField.Header.Text customWorksheet1.Columns(iCell).Width = 5000 iRow += 1 'Now iterate through the grid rows to add rows to the worksheet For Each gridRecord As GridRecord In webDataGrid.Rows customWorksheet1.Rows(iRow).Cells(iCell).Value = gridRecord.Items(iCell).Text iRow += 1 Next iCell += 1Next
How can you do this with the hierarchical data grid?