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Infragistic 2010 ItemCommand Error After PageIndex

Hi, I am using Infragistic for ASP.Net 2010 Vol.3 under Visual Studio 2010.

<ig:WebDataGrid ID="wdgResult" runat="server" Width="400px" EnableDataViewState="true" AutoGenerateColumns="false"

        onpageindexchanged="wdgResult_PageIndexChanged" OnItemCommand="wdgResult_ItemCommand" OnColumnSorted="wdgResult_ColumnSorted" >


                <ig:TemplateDataField Header-Text="Member Name" key="MbrFulNm" Width="150px"  >


                        <asp:LinkButton ID="lnkMbrFulNm" runat="server" CssClass="standardlabel" Width="200px" CommandName="EDIT" 

                        Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(((Infragistics.Web.UI.TemplateContainer)Container).DataItem, "MbrFulNm") %>' 

                        CommandArgument='<%# DataBinder.Eval(((Infragistics.Web.UI.TemplateContainer)Container).DataItem, "MbrFulNm") %>'>




                <ig:BoundDataField Header-Text="Age" DataFieldName="Age" Key="Age" Width="150px">




I manualy bindiing and sorting for a webdatagrid, when click on lnkMbrFulNm, the ItemCommand work properly however only for first page (0 Index). when I switch to second page, click on lnkMbrFulNm again will raise an error as following message.

DataBinding: 'Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.GridRecordItem' does not contain a property with the name 'MbrFulNm'.


From my experiece of using Infragistic, this error happen on 2009 version and it already fixed after a service release (forgot which patch version). However, I no sure whether this is same issue or bug.

Attachement here is a VS2010 demo solution for simulate the error.

I need help urgently!!

Thx for anyone in advance !!

Infragistic 2010 PageIndex Error.rar
  • 13438

    Hello Chua,

    I know a couple of months have passed since you asked this question but in case you still need assistance i will provide an answer. I have tested the attached from you sample with NA 10.3.20103.2187 wich is for the moment latest service release for this version and IE9 and found out no missbehavior like described from you.