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Call ValueListSelChange from EditKeyDownHandler - UltraWebGrid

ValueListSelChange requires a ValueListID.

When shown in the alert (), this ValueListID does not ever change, be from any row or any column. therefore I am not sure how to construct it, and I have to have ValueListSelChange function work when the value is not selected with a mouse click but with a key press.

Question: how can I fire ValueListSelChange from EditKeyDownHandler ?

  • 13438



    I know a couple of months have passed since you asked this question but in case you still need assistance I will provide you with answer. This event is fired when the value list in the selection is changed on the client with the following parameters:

    String. The ID of the grid calling the function.


    String. The ID of the SELECT object.


    String. The ID of the cell which is being edited.

    We do not reccomend to force calling our events. From what you are committing is hard to understand what you are trying to achieve and if it is an issue in our controls or wrong implementation from your side. I will need a working sample with explanation what is not firing and when it should be firing according to you  in order to be able to provide more help. Please also take a look at the following ling from our documentation -